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"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."

2 Chronicles 15:7

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Community Wellness Education Programs

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We share high-quality, current, and scientifically validated Human Health & Wellness information, with specific emphasis on Optimizing Human Performance and Longevity. We have been delivering this information for our satisfied clientele, across corporate, public, and private sectors, for almost 20 years here in the West Valley.


Our clients receive our unique E3 approach of: Educating, Empowering, & Exciting communities of people to be proactive in implementing health information into their lives, and experiencing maximum Health, Wellness & Longevity benefits as a result. Serving the Wellness Education needs of your Community and Residents would be our absolute honor.


The current healthcare (medical) system in the United States is based on a reactive ‘crisis care model’ of treating symptoms of illness and disease with medications and surgeries, and managing illnesses, not resolving them. The unfortunate result of this reactive approach is demonstrated in the global “Health & Longevity” statistics, reported by the World Health Organization (WHO). The United States’ position has declined from 17th in the world in 1990, to 40th in 2020. Going in the WRONG direction for more than four decades is not sustainable and WHY we at Health Within, Inc., are doing our part to turn things around. We offer FREE 30-MINUTE HEALTH TALKS  on the following subjects and MORE: (new subjects are added regularly upon request)


  • The Blueprint for Wellness

  • Boosting Your Immune System Naturally

  • Heart Health: The Importance of Regular Movement

  • How Healthy Food Choices Create a Healthy Future

  • Headaches Are Not Normal: What You Should Know

  • Quality Sleep: How, When, and WHY You Need More

  • Best Kept Secrets of Bone, Muscle & Joint Health

  • Osteoporosis: An American Epidemic

  • Eat Well, Move Well, Think Well

  • ENERGY: Where it Comes From & Getting More

  • Posture: The Window to Wellness

  • The FIVE Factors of Health & Wellness

  • Brain Health: What You Should Know

  • Prevention is The BEST Medicine

Please let us know which Health Talk(s) above we may present for you and your Residents, or if you would like us to create a custom presentation just for your community Wellness needs. We are available to present weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly classes. We look forward to serving you and  spreading Wellness and HOPE together.


Imagine what value it will bring to your community residents and their families, to have regular Health & Wellness Talks by Wellness Experts! We can envision your community residents experiencing better Wellness, more active lifestyles, joyous and thriving lives, for the rest of their lives! It would be our honor to partner with you and make Wellness a simple choice for your community residents.


Dr. Dondee & Marci Nettles with Environmental Activist and Wellness Advocate, Erin Brockovich.


Dr. Dondee & Marci Nettles with NY Times Best Selling Author and Peak Performance Coach, John C. Maxwell

If not listed in the Wellness topics above, what specific topic information may we share with your Community, Group or Organization?

"Wellness is WAY cheaper than illness."

Thank You for submitting!

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